Vážené (nielen) členky a členovia,
prinášame Vám informáciu o možnosti aktívneho zapojenia sa do konferencie Sociálna práca a sociálna politika v časoch globálných kríz. Viac info v pôvodnom znení nižšie:
I would like to inform you that we are extending the deadline for abstract submission for our International conference „Social Work and Social Policy in times of global crises „until 15.03.2023.
The Institute of Social Work and Social Policy at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje celebrates 65 years of education of Social Workers in North Macedonia. They will organize the International scientific conference „Social Work and Social Policy in times of global crises“ which will be held in Ohrid from 19 until 22 September 2023.
For more details about the Conference: http://65swsp.fzf.ukim.edu.mk/
Vladimir Ilievski
Associate Professor